Native Americans make up 1% of the Minnesota population BUT 9% of MMIW2S relatives. There is an intersection between the causations (poverty, houselessness, etc.) which lead to vulnerabilities (ie. high risk situations such as trafficking, murder & violence) that increases risk. Nationally, violence against Native Womyn is unprecedented with 4 out of 5 Indigenous Womyn having experienced violence, annually.
The Bridge is a safe place for all Youth. To address the many issues & challenges that
houselessness may cause. If you know of a youth in need of shelter, basic needs or a Safe Place, send them to The Bridge because if we don’t speak about it, it can happen to yOur Youth.
Today & everyday, The Bridge stands in Solidary with commUnity to spread awareness & raise visibility about an epidemic that yOur Indigenous Womyn & Two-Spirit relatives are facing. Protect Black & Indigenous Womyn & Relatives by any means necessary. Protect the Sacred. #MMIW2S #nomorestolensisters #mmiwawareness