Together with youth, we transformed our emergency shelter space to ensure all youth feel safe, accepted, and supported. Resilience House, emergency shelter for youth ages 10-17, has been remodeled to better support our youth. Led by youth voices, and designed in collaboration with students at Dunwoody College of Technology and our partners at Joy CollaborativeContinue Reading
Bridge for Youth Staff Present at National Conference
Staff from The Bridge for Youth presented at the 50th annual Runaway and Homeless Youth National Grantee Training in Atlanta this past December. A conference that brings together youth support workers from across the country, The Bridge’s Clinical Director, Juli Gottschall, and Community Health Worker, Marea Perry, had an opportunity to share how The BridgeContinue Reading
A Letter From Taty
Love and care changes everything for youth experiencing homelessness. Through emergency shelter, supportive housing, and outreach programs at The Bridge, youth are given the tools to grow and become leaders for their communities. Read a special message from Taty, a former youth in supportive housing at The Bridge and current member of the Youth AdvisoryContinue Reading