So Much Love Filled the Room during commUNITY!
What an incredible night, seeing our values of Love & Caring fill the room. This cherished annual event truly embodies our commUNITY’s united commitment to our youth! Together, we celebrated the 30th anniversary of “So What If I Am?” – a safe and welcoming place for all LGBTQ+ youth.
Our guest speakers shared a message of hope and a renewed commitment to our youth, and the venue was decorated with beautiful and heartfelt youth art. This commUNITY event encourages everyone to share their unique perspectives, while celebrating inclusivity and diversity that strengthens and unites our commUNITY.
The strength and support of our commUNITY is amplified when we come together to empower youth who identify as LGBTQ+.
We want to extend our sincere gratitude to our enthusiastic entertainer, Luna Muse, and special guest speakers: Nova, Makenzie Nola, Senator Scott Dibble, Robert Kraemer, Dan DuHamel. Thank you to our donors, event sponsors, and attendees whose unwavering support furthers our mission to ensure all youth feel safe, accepted, and supported.
Event Image Gallery

Thank you to our 2024 event sponsors:

Mears Family